Why Women Destroy Civilizations

I’ve been watching Black Pigeon Speaks. This guy is great. He and I must be reading the same stuff, because I find myself in agreement with him to a large degree. He only has a handful of video out so far, but his production and content are top notch. This is a guy to watch.

His video, Why Women DESTROY NATIONS* and CIVILIZATIONS  (embedded below), is an excellent summation of the consensus that is forming among the Propertarian crowd. The video does a great job at wrapping up the following relationships:

  1. Monogamy (sexual restraint in society) and civilization — Sexual restraint of females is a precursor, a necessary pre-condition, for the creation and maintenance of civilization.
  2. Monogamy (sexual restraint in society) and patriarchy — Patriarchal dominance is necessary for enforcement of sexual restraint, therefore patriarchy is a precursor to monogamy.
  3. Monogamy (sexual restraint in society) and democracy — Women’s suffrage is, in effect, women’s liberation. Women’s liberation is the release of women from sexual restraint, it is the end of patriarchal dominance, and it spells doom for the civilization.

It took thousands of years to build Western civilization, but it only took 100 years of women’s liberation to destroy it. I find myself in agreement with Jack Donovan: it’s time to become the new barbarians. Who cares how many angels can dance on the head of a pin? Conquer or die.

Peace was never an option.

6 thoughts on “Why Women Destroy Civilizations

  1. You can’t make it up. Right at the moment the third world datky Nurse Ratchett let in to Germany was killing her citizens, she was praising the joys of diversity. No joke!

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  2. Woman Suffrage: Male insanity.
    When Woman Suffrage was introduced it was men who voted in favor of it, not women. Only a few states had woman suffrage, so the women in the rest of the states couldn’t vote for or against it.
    What is poorly recognized is that Woman Suffrage organizations, which were mostly led by women, were opposed to allowing women to vote in a polling on the Woman Suffrage amendment. It’s easy to understand why Anti-Woman Suffrage organizations, also headed primarily by women (!) were opposed to allowing women to vote on the matter: it was against their principles to allow women to vote, period. As it turned out, this was not well thought out, for if they had paid attention to their opposition, they would have seen that the Woman Suffrage promoters were convinced that if allowed to vote on the question women would have overwhelmingly voted against woman suffrage.
    Some indication of how women thought of woman suffrage had been in experience. When women could vote, they had voted against woman suffrage. And, when Utah territory had woman suffrage, the women voted overwhelmingly in favor of Polygamy, that is, polygyny. The US Congress, having direct control over the Territory of Utah, abolished woman suffrage in order to put a stop to this.
    The Republicans thought that if women got the franchise that they would vote Republican forever out of gratitude. So much for that!
    In the same vein, the Republicans thought that if they freed the slaves, secured the rights of citizenship to black people and granted black men the franchise (black women couldn’t vote in most states) that they would get the black vote forever. This worked fairly well where the Democrats and KKK weren’t strong enough to block black men voting but when black women got the vote the end began to approach. By 1965, when Democrats/KKK stopped opposing and blocking the black vote, went largely to Democrats.


  3. That’s mostly propping up desirable self-aggrandizing notions. But it’s just “wet streets cause rain”.
    As Robert Lewis Dabney put it, eventually “Radicalism” (Leftism, etc) will lead to “suffrage to asses”.
    This does not mean that asses “Destroy Civilizations!!1”. This means Leftists benefit from decay and promote it – or as Jim put it, “tipping over apple carts to steal a few apples”.
    If you have a movement for suffrage to asses, it’s because Leftists have gone pretty far, and if they could go so far, they broke many things, so you got to have a lot of rotten apples in the ditches, burning apple carts and no apples. Conversely, if thieves who tip over apple carts were reliably sent to road repair chain gang, you would have content apple gardeners, plenty of apples, plenty of cider and clean streets. And no suffrage-to-asses movements.


  4. people dont even realize civilization has crumbled.
    they drink toxic waste poison water, bland vitamin absent food, breathe chemical air, live in constant sexual hunger, get injected with mutilating bioweapons (“Vaccines”) and have 0 freedom: raising animals BANNED , building a house BANNED, ultra heavy taxes and no pensions.

    they just dont realize it because they were born into it. people live in numbness, and once you wake up to the truth it feels bad because thats how youre supposed to feel. so they go back into drugs, in order to not feel as they should, regarding the slave life we actually live.


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