Pathologizing Whiteness.

White Privilege: No joke

On April 1, 2014, we received the highlights from the National White Privilege Conference in Madison Wisconsin. The taxpayer funded event offered an opportunity to discuss issues of white supremacy, social justice, education and the Tea Party. In the breakout sessions, many people seemed very interested in how to bring the ideals of social justice and white privilege into the classroom. Attendees learned many interesting things, such as: white charity is racist.

We can thank Kimberley Radersma for marxsplaining important issues to us, for example, that whites cannot teach blacks.

Pathologizing Whiteness

This ‘White Privilege’ notion is simply the pathologization of whiteness. We’ve seen feminists engaged in the pathologization of masculinity for decades. This is simply the Marxist Critical Theory taken to its logical conclusion. Marx recognized that you can divide any group into oppressed and oppressor. For him, in a homogenous population, this dividing line was class. For the feminists the dividing line is gender. For ‘anti-racists’ the dividing line is between whiteness and non-whiteness. This is why many refer to this process as ‘Cultural Marxism‘, which is Marxist critical theory applied to all aspects of society and culture.

It’s not hard to see that all of these critical theories applied to every aspect of society simply increase the fractures and divisions between groups of humans. Obviously, these dividing lines are the focus of all their efforts. As the fractures are pressured, we see social cohesion dissolve, resulting in the atomization of society, where individuals are alienated from the larger group identity and begin to act solely in self-interest. While ‘anti-racists’ claim to be working to bring us together, their actions lead inevitably to division. They teach non-whites to hate whites. They teach whites to hate themselves. They teach whites to hate whites who do not hate whites.

Of course, education is key to the Final Solution to the White Problem. Apparently, teaching white hate is not the highest ideal in modern progressive academia.

‘White Privilege’ is a message of hate and division. Unfortunately, there does not appear to be any way to stop this process, until we reach a point where all social cohesion breaks down. So, believe in ‘White Privilege’ if you hate whites and want to hasten a race war, or you can choose to be a peace-maker and tell these idiots to go find something useful to do.